jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

18 months in the Service of Europe - Results of the Spanish-Belgian-Hungarian Trio Presidency

18 months in the Service of Europe - Results of the Spanish-Belgian-Hungarian Trio Presidency: "On the 1st of January 2010, the Spanish-Belgian-Hungarian Trio took over the task of the Presidency at a time of serious challenges and unforeseen turbulence. We had to demonstrate our ability to adapt ourselves to ever changing conditions and, at the same time, we had to work on our original objectives. The three Presidencies were deeply committed to accomplish more at European level. We needed a more united, a more integrated, competitive and social Europe built on a strong and sustainable economy, capable of facing global challenges. Our work was firmly driven by the idea to realize these values and we were all in agreement that the response to current challenges should strive for a stronger Europe. (...)"

Más Europa, plus d’Europe, több Európa - More Europe

Más Europa, plus d’Europe, több Európa - More Europe: "The Spanish–Belgian–Hungarian Presidency Trio’s cooperation was formally concluded in Budapest, on 29 June 2011. In the past 18 months, the three countries have shared the objective to achieve “more” and not less Europe, in response to a number of challenges."

martes, 14 de junio de 2011

reinventar el sector público

reinventar el sector público: "Agradezco al amigo Antoni Biarnés la oportunidad de volver a pensar en el sector público al invitarme a participar en un debate de la Fundació Catalunya Oberta entorno a “Reinventar el sector público” al lado de Pilar Pifarré, Secretària General d’Administració Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Comparto con vosotros las grandes pinceladas de una intervención corta, partida en dos, un mapa"

The future of innovation

The future of innovation: "Os recomiendo este artículo de Fareed Zakaria (un periodista hindú - americano que acaba de publicar "The post - American World") editado en la revista TIME http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2075226-2,00.html, a pesar de que está pensado en clave USA nos permite reflexionar sobre innovación y ocupación, así como sobre el debate en torno al impulso que los gobiernos brindan a la"

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Informe de competitividad de la Unión por la Innovación 2011

Informe de competitividad de la Unión por la Innovación 2011: "

CoverInforme de competitividad de la Unión por la Innovación 2011
Innovation Union Competitiveness Report 2011
European Union, 2011

Innovation is as essential to sustainable growth and jobs as water is to life. Economies that do not innovate will wither away. The European Commission is asking Member States to act on it in their Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes, by building on strengths and addressing weaknesses. The Innovation Union Competitiveness report provides them economic evidence and analysis to underpin EU and national policy making in support of Innovation Union. Public and private stakeholders will also get in a single compendium valuable insights to design winning innovation strategies within Europe and for the global market. [+]


La Comisión analiza los avances de los Estados miembros en su informe sobre la Unión por la Innovación

La Comisión analiza los avances de los Estados miembros en su informe sobre la Unión por la Innovación: "

La innovación en la UE necesita mejoras sustanciales en muchos campos para que la Estrategia Europa 2020 (Europe 2020 strategy) aporte un crecimiento sostenible e inteligente. Esta es la conclusión del informe de competitividad de la Unión por la Innovación 2011 (Innovation Union Competitiveness Report), que se hizo público el 9 de junio de 2011 en Bruselas.


Innovation Union Competitiveness Report 2011

Innovation Union Competitiveness Report 2011